What time does the virtual event start?

The program is Australian eastern standard time. Below are the start times for each state: 

ACT | NSW | QLD | TAS | VIC 9:30 AM 

SA 9:00 AM

NT 9:00 AM

WA 7:30 AM

How do I access the Virtual Event:  

You can access the portal with your unique link and pin sent by the  APodA.  When you click the link to the “ON Air Virtual Event Portal” and put in your provided APP Pin you will be asked a few questions and given some instructions including to check your microphone and video DON’T PANIC! - No one can see or hear you unless you would like them to when chatting with exhibitors, other delegates or the online helpdesk.

There is an option to video chat but you can just instant message if you prefer.  We just want you to be ready to connect when you want to. After that you will be ready for your virtual experience!

Seminar Recordings

When will the recordings be available to view?
Please allow 5 business days for all recordings to be emailed out.

How long will they be available for?
All session recordings will be available to view for 3 months from the date they are sent to delegates.

What if I don’t attend the LIVE Seminar, will I still get a copy of the recordings?
Yes! All delegates will receive a copy of the presentation recordings, including the Q+A's sessions regardless if they have attended the LIVE Virtual Seminar or not.

Technical Support Information

- We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox when viewing the seminar from your computer.  It’s best to update your browser whenever possible

 - If you have trouble viewing a live seminar it's possible the producer is sending the stream at a bitrate higher than your connection can handle. Check your download speed at http://www.speedtest.net/ 

- We also recommend clearing your browser’s cache and ensuring your browser is updated to the most recent version. It is best to check your download speed before joining the virtual seminar  

The APodA Team will also be available to assist you on the day. Call the APodA Office 03 9416 3111 or send us an email at events@podiatry.org.au

What if I don't attend the LIVE Seminar, will I still get a CPD Certificate?

Yes, a CPD Certificate will be issued to all delegates and it is the delegates responsibility to declare the hours attended and keep a log of CPD activities and record the following details including: 

- Date it was completed 
- Description of the activity 
- Category  
- Number of CPD hours claimed, and  goal achieved. 

When will the CPD Certificates be sent out? 

We will send this out as quickly as we can. please allow 5 business days for all CPD Certificates to be emailed out.

How many hours can I allocate to my annual CPD by attending this event?

You will receive a certificate of attendance for the 1 day seminar.  This certificate is a good document to show evidence of the CPD activity but it is your responsibility to keep a log of CPD activities that records the following details about this CPD activity including: 

·        Date it was completed 

·        Description of the activity 

·        Category  

·        Number of CPD hours claimed, and  goal achieved. 

Here are just some suggestions for optimising your CPD hours.

Contact Us 

Got a question about the program? 

Need some help with registration? 

For all enquiries, contact our friendly team. 

Call the APodA Team directly on 03 9416 3111 or send us an email at events@podiatry.org.au

P: 03 9416 3111   
E: events@podiatry.org.au

© Copyright 2022 Australian Podiatry Association