The University of Sydney
Dr Hiller is an Associate Professor in the area of musculoskeletal injury. Her current work focusses on two main areas: the development and impact of chronic problems following injury, particularly around the ankle; and dancer health and injury. Dr Hiller founded the Dance Research Collaborative (DaRC), a multidisciplinary group interested in dance-related research in the areas of injury, epidemiology, biomechanics, health, and performance. She has also worked as a physiotherapist for many years with adolescent dancers. Dr Hiller’s current research interests include: prevalence and impact of chronic ankle problems, predictors of chronic ankle instability, effect of ankle braces on performance, Australian dancer health, dancers' lower limb injuries, and dance as a health intervention.
ApodA staff: Phil McShane, Katrina Den Elzen, Pauline Taylor and Sara Virgo
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