dr antoni caserta

STREAM: Children & Adolescent Podiatry

Dr. Antoni Caserta (PhD) works as a is Paediatric Podiatrist  across public, private and academic sectors. Antoni’s private practice  focuses on injured young athletes, infant foot conditions, simple and complex gait disorders, chronic pain or disability...(read more below).

Presentation: Use of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for children’s foot, ankle, and leg concerns: a position statement.  

Children and teenagers are vulnerable due to future health being dependent on current health, their behaviours, development, and the overall environmental impact on wellbeing. Foot, ankle or leg conditions in children and teenagers can change body function, participation in care, family, and education settings, or how much activity can be performed compared to children without these conditions. There is an increasing interest and use of extratracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) being used for lower limb conditions. This research aimed to synthesise evidence for the use of ESWT on children under the age of 18, to form a position statement to guide clinical practice.

Presented on: Friday 23rd June

Workshop: ITW: An exploration of the lower limb characteristics, management options and treatment outcome measures.

To date, when clinicians have treated or studied children with ITW, they have generally considered four broad outcome measure domains, namely range of motion percentage of time of toe walking, motor performance and sensory preferences. This workshop will provide you with other domains to consider, treatment options and treatment outcome measures.

Presented on: Friday 23rd June


Dr. Antoni Caserta (PhD) works as a is Paediatric Podiatrist  across public, private and academic sectors. Antoni’s private practice  focuses on injured young athletes, infant foot conditions, simple and complex gait disorders, chronic pain or disability. Antoni has been Chair of the Paediatric Special Interest Group for the APodA VIC, and has presented numerous times at APodA state conferences, special interest groups and international conferences. He was the 2014 winner of the Jennifer O’Meara Memorial Award for outstanding achievement for a young podiatrist. 

Antoni completed his PhD at Monash University, his thesis explored the lower limb characteristics of children with an idiopathic toe walking gait, and how these characteristics are managed. He has published a number of articles on idiopathic toe walking gait , the use of iPhone technology in the clinical setting, podiatry outcome measures, and is currently developing a diagnosis tool for calcaneal and tibial tuberosity apophysitis (Severs disease and Osgood-Schlatter disease). Antoni is currently the project manager in setting up a Commonwealth and Victorian State funded initiative stemming from the Mental Health Royal Commission. The Infant, Child, Family Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs will make seeking support easier for families with children aged 0-11 years experiencing developmental, behavioural, and emotional challenges.

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Conference Organisers 

APodA Staff: Phil McShane, Katrina Den Elzen, Pauline Taylor, Maxine Gattuso, Sara Vigo 

(61-3) 9416 3544
89 Nicholson St, Brunswick East, VIC


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The APodA would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work and gather across this Country.
We would like to pay our respects to their Elders past and present, as well as emerging youth as the next generation of community leaders.

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