As a valued delegate we want to ensure you make the most of your conference experience and our booth is the perfect place to connect, engage and learn more about APodA.
Here are a few reasons you should drop by our booth:
Renew or join the APodA
Visit us at the booth to renew or join the APodA on the spot and take advantage of our exclusive membership offers. We can also assist with event registrations, password resets, review your Find A Podiatrist listing, updating your contact details and more.
Exclusive membership offers:
Explore the benefits of becoming an APodA member and take advantage of our exclusive offers that have been extended to conference delegates only:
FREE online nail surgery e-course (normally $250 for a member and $500 for a non-member)
Sign up for FREE to our new special interest group Medicines in Podiatry for 12 months, exclusive to APodA members only (normally $55 pa).
Certification in sports and paediatrics
If you would like to learn more about APodA’s certification program and how you can become a certified sports podiatrist or certified paediatric podiatrist, come and have a chat with our team at the APodA booth.
Have you been struggling to recruit podiatrists, or are you considering employing allied health assistants? Come and chat with our advocacy team at the APodA booth to discuss what we can do to collectively improve the podiatry workforce shortage.
Digital Health
Do you have any questions about My Health Record, practice management systems, recording patient experiences (Proms, Prems)? Chat with APodA’s advocacy team for updates.
Membership Update
APodA has been working hard to achieve great results for their members and the profession. By delivering practical resources and support, extensive education and training, and advocacy projects, APodA ensures increased recognition from the wider health network and the public.
We are dedicated to supporting podiatrists with practical, expert, and accessible services to help you Advance your career, Connect with your peers.
By renewing your membership or joining as a new member, you will benefit from a wide range of features including:
Extensive member resources including infection control guidelines, home visit guidelines, templates, assessment tools, the HR portal and more!
CPD events year-round including webinars, face-to-face events, symposiums and conferences
Special Interest Groups including Australian Paediatric Podiatry, Podiatry in Aged Care, Podiatrists in Business and the NEW: Medicines in Podiatry
Advocacy and representation through committees
Exclusive insurance cover through the APodA insurance program with BMS
Networking opportunities to connect with colleagues and meet new professionals
And so much more!
Join APodA:
If you are a new or re-joining (more than 12 months since you were an APodA member), sign up today at
To participate in Twitter conversations around the Australian Podiatry Conference, please add the hashtag #PodConf23 to your tweets.
Tag your Instagram and Facebook photos with #PodConf23
APodA Staff: Phil McShane, Katrina Den Elzen, Pauline Taylor, Maxine Gattuso, Sara Vigo
(61-3) 9416 3544
89 Nicholson St, Brunswick East, VIC