This page will be your go-to source for all the latest news and updates related to the conference. We will be regularly posting articles, blog posts, and other updates related to keynote speakers, educational sessions, networking opportunities, special events, and more.
Be sure to check back regularly to stay up to date on all the latest news and information related to the conference. In addition to this page, we also recommend following us on social media to ensure that you have access to all the latest updates and information.
Thank you for your interest in the Australian Podiatry Conference, and we look forward to providing you with all the news you need to make the most of your conference experience.
Visit us at the APodABooth - Stand R01
As a valued delegate we want to ensure you make the most of your conference experience and our booth is the perfect place to connect, engage and learn more about APodA.
Here are a few reasons you should drop by our booth
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Take advantage of Early Bird pricing to connect and learn with your industry peers
2nd March 2023
To participate in Twitter conversations around the Australian Podiatry Conference, please add the hashtag #PodConf23 to your tweets.
Tag your Instagram and Facebook photos with #PodConf23
APodA Staff: Phil McShane, Katrina Den Elzen, Pauline Taylor, Maxine Gattuso, Sara Vigo
(61-3) 9416 3544
89 Nicholson St, Brunswick East, VIC