Your session MUST NOT come across as being about you or your organisation.
As a Podiatry Business Networking event, sessions are to relate back to Podiatry or/and Podiatrists. You are to make it about this audience.
Be You
Look for areas where you naturally excel and stand out. If you feel comfortable, confident, and happy, you'll have an easier time projecting that to others. It's much harder to present yourself as confident when you're uncomfortable.
Be Engaging
When in front of an audience, think about them. What are they looking for? Where are they in terms of how much they know and understand about your topic? To make it great for every audience, make it about them.
It is good to leave time for questions and/or feedback from the audience.
You can conveniently upload your presentation here or bring it on a USB for our AV team to upload on the day of the event. We look forward to receiving your presentation and ensuring a seamless experience for your session.
Your slides will be pre-loaded by the AV team. An APodA team member will introduce you to the AV operator in the morning before the sessions begin or in the break prior to your presentation.
Sit at the front so you can move to the lectern after the Session Chair introduces you.
If you need assistance, ask your Session Chair.
A technician in the room will assist you and trouble shoot technical issues in the unlikely event these arise.
If during registration, you provide consent to share your slides, these will be available to delegates after the event, unless otherwise specified. Any additional files authors choose to share will also be accessible.
Access to the content is restricted to delegates only and is not searchable by search engines.
If presentations are to be used or published in any other format or forum, your specific consent will be requested. Please ensure you have permission to use any images, music or content within your presentation. If you do not have copyright permission, your presentation will not be able to be used or published. Do not include any images copied from the internet. Getty Images and other image agencies crawl the internet looking for images that have been copied without the appropriate licenses.
The inclusion of your presentation in the portal or used in an alternative publication will not affect your ownership rights. Neither the event committee nor Event Design will acquire the ownership rights of your presentation.
To participate in Twitter conversations around the event, please add the hashtag #APodAPDS to your tweets.
Tag your Instagram and Facebook photos with #APodAPDS
APodA Staff: Katrina Den Elzen, Pauline Taylor, Sara Vigo, Phil McShane
(61-3) 9416 3544
89 Nicholson St, Brunswick East, VIC