This stream will take a whole-body approach when considering the health and well-being of patients' feet. This includes deep-dive discussions on the arterial, vascular supply, and lymphatic systems. In addition, there will be gout workshops, arthritis workshops, and sessions on diagnostic imaging.
Dermatology will also cover a wide range of topics, including the management of skin and nail infections, fungal infections, and wound management. Attendees will hear from first-class experts in their field who will discuss issues such as the latest management of diabetic foot ulcers. There will also be presentations on how to diagnose and manage onychomycosis and how to manage skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
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APodA Staff: Phil McShane, Katrina Den Elzen, Pauline Taylor, Maxine Gattuso, Sara Vigo
(61-3) 9416 3544
89 Nicholson St, Brunswick East, VIC